Words coming to life.Examples of Kim's passion for speaking, teaching and spiritual storytelling
Looking for the newest teaching messages from Kim?
Visit Cornerstone Fellowship's Soundcloud for audio recordings of her messages for the last several years.
Visit Cornerstone Fellowship's Soundcloud for audio recordings of her messages for the last several years.
Teaching: Great Hope Born Through Fear (Advent Sermon)Watch as Kim delivers an advent sermon about Mary at Cornestone Fellowship Church in Brentwood, CA.
Recorded on December 17, 2023. |
Church Devotionals & Spiritual Growth

Daily Steps Church-Wide Devotionals
As the lead devotional writer for Cornerstone Fellowship between 2030-21, Kim created or served as the primary editor of original content to accompany weekly sermons for this five-campus church in the East Bay region of California.
As the lead devotional writer for Cornerstone Fellowship between 2030-21, Kim created or served as the primary editor of original content to accompany weekly sermons for this five-campus church in the East Bay region of California.
Overcoming Worry & Anxiety
Watch Kim as she teaches on anxiety and worship from three angles: personal testimony, scientific and psychological approaches, and practical application from Scripture.
Listen to an audio-only recording of Kim's workshop on Transforming Your Mind for Christ: Overcoming Worry & Anxiety at a women's ministry event at Eastpoint Christian Church. Stress can get the best of everyone, but when it veers into chronic worry and anxiety, the end result is paralyzing and damaging to our health. Finding the true, lasting remedy is only possible by applying the Word of God and experiencing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. View the accompanying slides for the workshop. |